COVID Safe Future
Dear Valued Client,
Whilst Lush Lash & Co pride ourselves on our high standard of hygiene and sanitation we are focused on creating a sustainable and healthy environment for all staff and clients in this trying time.
To ensure we can provide you with the cleanest and safest possible environment we ask that you please read and adhere to the following conditions:
Townsville Clients; one client in the Salon at all times. Due to the size of the Townsville Salon we ask that you do not bring along any family or friends to your appointment.
Townsville clients are to wait outside until your Beautician invites you in to avoid crowding of the waiting space.
All Clients are to have completed the COVID Health Agreement prior to arriving
Ayr Clients are to use the Social Distancing (1.5m) rules in the front waiting area. Your beautician will invite you into the beauty space when it has been appropriately prepared.
All Clients are to Sanitise before approaching the beauty bed. (please follow signage displayed for correct procedure for Hand Sanitiser)
All Clients are to avoid touching their face during their treatment.
All Clients are encouraged to keep talking to a minimum during treatment avoid droplet projection.
Please bring a Jumper or Blanket if you are prone to getting cold during treatments as all soft linens will be removed from the treatment beds.
Contactless payment is encouraged.
All clients will be required to complete and sign a health survey for their client file.
During this unusual and busy time, we ask that you allow an extra 10 minutes for your appointment in the case that your appointment or a previous appointment runs slightly over time. We will be stripping and disinfecting all beds and sterilising all tools between clients so this may add some extra time due to the extended measures now in place.